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  • Tags: Reagan

This pro-Ronald Reagan button--with the phrases "Land of Lincoln" and "We're Standing Tall in '84" wrapped around a picture of the State of Illinois--in one way represents Reagan's attempt at reelection in the 1984 Presidential race. However, this…

This button depicts the four Presidents of the United States-Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, Ronald Reagan, and Barack Obama-that have roots in the State of Illinois.

This photo, likely taken at Reagan's Washington, DC home, "Westwood" in late October 1980, just prior to the general election that propelled Reagan into the White House. John Homeier (right), a successful central Illinois businessman, is seen in the…

This "Let's Make America Great Again" button is from Republican Ronald Reagan's presidential campaign in 1980. It features the slogan with a photo of Ronald Reagan. It is part of a larger collection donated by Tony Leone.

Presidential Appointment Certificate to Harold V. Hunter as Administrator of the Rural Electrification Administration, Department of Agriculture for term of 10 years. Mr. Hunter - grandfather of Dr. Devin Hunter, UIS History faculty - was an Oklahoma…

These political buttons span a wide range of presidential elections, with the exception of Carol Moseley Braun for U.S. Senate. Candidates on the buttons come from a variety of political parties, Democrat, Republican, and Independent, as well as…

This is a towel that was created a a joke. During one of the elections in which Reagan ran.

Political pins from national elections, mostly for Presidential races. Includes Kennedy, Reagan, and Nixon.
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