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  • Tags: Button

This pro-Republican Party button attempts to unify voters and move the country in a new direction by focusing on one main issue and platform--recovery.

This button highlights the Republican Party and their legacy as the Party of Abraham Lincoln.

This is a button with the phrase "I am a Sangamon County Republican" in blue and red lettering.

This is a button from the June 12, 1982 Illinois Republican State Convention in Springfield, Illinois. With the slogan, "Meeting the Challenge of the [19]80's," this button may have been worn by Republican State Chairman Don Adams.

This pro-Ronald Reagan button--with the phrases "Land of Lincoln" and "We're Standing Tall in '84" wrapped around a picture of the State of Illinois--in one way represents Reagan's attempt at reelection in the 1984 Presidential race. However, this…

This button depicts the four Presidents of the United States-Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, Ronald Reagan, and Barack Obama-that have roots in the State of Illinois.

This is a button that represents a significant Cardinal baseball fan base in Springfield, IL. It was created specifically to bring awareness to the rival Cubs/Cards exhibit at the presidential museum.

This button commemorates the 1988 Republican National Convention, held in New Orleans, Louisiana. The phrase "Duke'n Out Duke" may refer to George Deukmejian, California's 35th Governor who, at the 1988 GOP National Convention, anticipated the…

This is a 1980 Republican Ronald Reagan Presidential Campaign button, "Let's Make America Great Again," which features text only. It is part of a larger collection donated by Tony Leone.
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