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  • Tags: Presidential Election

Magnet in the shape of a dog's paw, playing on the name "Barack."

This is an 1864 Coin/Token of the Lincoln and Johnson Campaign during the Civil War Presidential Election. Lincoln is featured on one side with the text, "For President Abraham Lincoln," and Andrew Johnson on the opposite with the text, "For Vice…

This "Let's Make America Great Again" button is from Republican Ronald Reagan's presidential campaign in 1980. It features the slogan with a photo of Ronald Reagan. It is part of a larger collection donated by Tony Leone.

This button is from the 1968 Presidential Campaign for Republicans Richard Nixon and his running mate Spiro Agnew. Their unsuccessful Democratic Party opponents were Hubert Humphrey & Edmund Muskie.

The campaign button with the name Church on it and year 1976 has little history with it. Church had served as Deputy Mayor of Springfield between 1986 and 1995. We don't know if Church ran for office in 1976 or had a family member who had. We do know…

This political banner for the 1860 Presidential election is likely a copy of a lithograph on linen featuring the Republican Party nominees Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin. "The flag was meant to hang like a banner in parades and other political…

This was a political chart published probably prior to Abraham Lincoln receiving the Republican Party nomination. Charts were generally ways in which the public learned and communicated about Presidential candidates, though H. H. Lloyds & Co would…

This is a two color campaign poster from the 1968 Presidential Election. Richard Nixon won the election and became the first Vice President to attain the office of President since 1836. Agnew has been Governor of Maryland before becoming the 39th…

The political poster featuring the Presidential candidate Adlai Stevenson II is organized by who was running on the ticket of the 1952 presidential election for the Democratic Party. It has photos with the face of each. "Continued Prosperity" is…
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