Donald Trump Political Buttons
A lot of controversary surrounded the 2016 Presidential Elections. Both candidates saw their fair share of criticism. The satirical buttons in this picture are jabs at Donald Trump and his candidacy. The Dump Trump button that says "#Dumpacrossamerica is a poltical pin that campaigns against Trump. He is viewed as a pile of excrement as if it is a representation of who he is as a person. There are also two pins reflecting feminine viewpoints. One pin says "Feminists Support Trump" and the other pin says "Pussies against Trump, You can't grab this." These pins oppose each other as if their is a divide in feminist viewpoints. Lastly, there is a "Beavus and Butthead" pin that states Trump's candidacy. The pin says "For your bunghole." This is also most likely a jab at Donald Trump which represents Donald Trump as excrement.